In Conversation with Ravi, Aparna and Sashank, the founders of Monitra Healthcare

Tell us about your best and worst days at work

Ravi: The most rewarding moments at our workplace occur when we receive positive testimonials from our patients, affirming the impact we've had on their lives. Working in the cardiac field, this sense of fulfillment is unparalleled. In contrast, as we expand our business, our greatest fear is any issue caused by a process failure. On such days we focus on our ability to swiftly recover and rebuild. 

Aparna: The best days for me are when we receive calls from a patient's family reporting a medical emergency. We promptly analyze the data and provide them with insightful reports, enabling them to find an immediate solution. There have been instances where a patient's heartbeat stopped for an extended period, and our swift response led to life-saving pacemaker procedures. These are the moments we cherish, defining our best days.

Sashank: The best days are when we receive positive feedback, which is truly gratifying. On the flip side, any process breakdown is a nightmarish scenario. Despite the challenges, our focus remains on seeking and embracing the positive moments that inspire us to move forward with enthusiasm and determination.

What is the dynamic around you at work since you work with them? 

Aparna: Ravi, my husband, and Sashank, my brother-in-law, seems like an unexpected work partnership. However, their diverse experiences have taught me valuable lessons. From Sashank, I learned methodical approaches and precision, while Ravi instilled a process-oriented mindset and the art of seamless execution. Although differences arise between us, like in any other team, our family bond allows us to resolve conflicts effectively. This strong communication and forward-looking attitude have been our foundation for success over the years, and I believe it will only grow stronger in the future.

Ravi: I am incredibly fortunate to have such dedicated founders leading our business. Entrepreneurial journey comes with it’s own highs and lows. Good part with having them is that at least we face challenges together and emerge stronger. I couldn't have wished for a more exceptional team.

Any anecdote of the most rewarding experience till date, since you are in the business of cardiac healthcare? 

Aparna: During the recent World Heart Day campaign, as World Health Day approached on 29th September, we brainstormed ways to make it memorable. Given our role in cardiac monitoring, we decided to gather customer testimonials, with a focus on impactful video submissions. Within two weeks, we received 12 videos, some from doctors whose relatives we had monitored. Their heartfelt endorsements of our service and life-saving device reinforced our commitment and provided immense satisfaction, making every day at work worthwhile.

What do you do when you are not at work?

Aparna: Work often blends with personal life, extending from home to the office. However, when not at work i enjoy quality family time. As a former stay-at-home mom, I now cherish moments with my kids more than ever, learning from their growth and experiencing their various phases. It's an invaluable experience, and I strive to capture every moment when I'm not working.

Sashank: When I'm not at work, I used to engage in research. However, since my work with Monitra has become a source of joy, I find fulfillment in my professional endeavors, gettinga huge thrill out of it.

Ravi: "What is life without work?" Work has become a significant part of my life, and I find joy in it. However, I also have a passion for cycling. In my free time, I love going for long rides. I used to do 50k rides, and I've even completed 100k cycling events. It's a pursuit that truly brings me joy.

If you had one piece of advice for someone just starting out, what would it be?

Ravi: My advice is clear: cash is king. For startups, securing cash is vital. While you strive for product-market fit, ensure a healthy cash flow. There's no substitute for cash. Develop business models that prioritize robust cash flow management.

Aparna: My advice is simple: be relentless. Never give up, and don't accept "no" as an answer.

Sashank: Embrace creativity in all your endeavors. Infuse freshness into every task you undertake. Innovation and novelty can breathe life into your pursuits, leading to unique and exciting outcomes.

How do you define success?

Ravi: When we gauge success, it largely hinges on the invaluable feedback from our existing customer base. Our quest is to magnify this impact, aiming to reach 25,000 physicians who, in turn, prescribe to their patients. Our next milestone? Achieving 100,000 monthly prescriptions, which is the target we are fervently pursuing.

What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

Ravi: My greatest joy as an entrepreneur lies in the ability to generate livelihoods. We employ individuals from smaller T2/3 towns, enabling them to sustain their families while finding purpose and fulfillment in their work. Creating job opportunities is the essence of entrepreneurship that I deeply cherish.

You have been building Monitra for some years now. What are the driving factors for you on this journey?

Aparna: Both personally and professionally, our journey began with the dream of returning to India after obtaining degrees in the USA. We aimed to bring a sense of quality and trustworthiness to Indian products, akin to the admiration foreign products received in India. This vision motivates me to continually improve and globalize our offerings, driven by a desire to share them with the world, with love and dedication for everyone.

Ravi: With 15 years of experience in medical devices across diverse global regions, spanning clinical R&D to commercial sales and marketing, we face a crucial question. While working in MNCs, we observed that product launches often cater to brisk business but may leave some populations without access or affordability. As a company, our aspiration is to bridge this gap, delivering world-class products while ensuring widespread accessibility. Achieving this mission would be immensely satisfying, as it aligns with our goal of creating a significant impact.


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